A random walk through life or musings of a disturbed mind
TOC's Language, spamming, flaming etc. and Stardock's gamers bill of rights is meaningless.
Published on March 30, 2009 By recode In Forum Issues

Stardock has an obligation to stop this behaviour not just "report" it. The games and forums should be safe for all.

Note:safe is even people you all don't like. Safe is safe to have opinion even when there are 50+ opiposed in disagreemnt. Stardock+groupthink. Notice the responses are 100% supportive of Stardock' irresponsible treatment,

  • Teen rating is for people as young as 13 and can include females. If you are a father would you want your daughter treated the way you see folks treated here. Don't believe you have many mothers here.
  • The internet Bullying has caused some teenagers to commit suicide.. look it uo. This is a real legal issue that Starsock is unwilling to statifactorily address even though Ive brought it up before. There are murder cases based on this,

So were are you BRAD? Missing in action. Ignorance is no excuse (doublle ententre intented).

  • Here's a clue: try thinking!

No not about yourself what is is like the be the other person... I am used to this abusive behavior (and hate it). I fight for those who are not. Do you? Quit excusing your behavoir Stardock.

So Zubaz, you toughten up, since i knew this was the kind of response i'd get from Stardock. No crtiticism allowed.. you will be shouted out.

PS. I never said that users should give negative karma.. read carefully before flaming and spamming. I justr want Stardock to keep thier ToC's, don't weasle your way out and cahnge them.. enforce them. How about the stardock folks act like responisible, mature, adults. Try a dictionary if you don't understand what words mean like websters or oxford.

  • Community denotes safety, everyone has a voice and not called names. slander, etc... This is groupthink, even on the internet. This is why people have a low view of gamers including me.  Adolescent  behaviour is the norm here, actually thats an insult to Adolescent s.
  • Anyway ive sent samples to the authoriies becouse Stardock does not own the web and has to play within the rules. Ill see what the AG and my representatives think of this. I dont think WA or CA will think Its all up to stardock to be responsible adults.

Because of the behaviour reported. I am banned but not the abuser. This is why i hold Stardock in LOW ESTEEM.  They DO NOT honor their commitments or contracts.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 30, 2009

Privately owned forums. You have no rights here.
Not quite.  There are terms of service and there are moderators to enforce them.  Granted, those terms are written and can be ignored by the powers that be if desired . . . but that would be bad for everyone.

These forums are a partnership in many ways.  Be cool and all will be well.  If someone is being uncool . .  move to the next thread.  If someone is being harrassing, find a mod and let them know the situation.  It will be dealt with. 

on Mar 30, 2009

The OP does have one little point i agree with though. The spamming threads. I know these are in the OT threads but spam is still spam even when dressed up.

Neg Karma won't fix that, but perhaps the big stick could be used to whack some of the nonsensical blatent spam thread posters.

He he....  *Flees*



on Mar 30, 2009

The stick is rarely even noticed....but it works...

C'mon keep your sex life out of the forums


on Mar 30, 2009


-1 karma for skinhit!!!


come on 3 Months. That is way to long. with people that could actually get to -10 a week would be enough with how much they go on. maybe a time limit on the period that -10 karma is accumulated over. and no, i do not support the idea.

on Mar 30, 2009

Rarely doesn't even begin to describe it.  Not only have I not been banned, I get karma for being a prick!


Out of curiosity, what in particular sparked this thread?  I haven't noticed anything particularly objectionable recently, unless I've forgotten one of my posts...

on Mar 30, 2009

dont forget the nifty report button. right next to the karma button, in fact.

on Mar 30, 2009

Yeah that would not work at all...

all you would need is some one to take a dislike to ya for a reason known only to them, And they would get you band, then 3 months later get you band again, and again.

Sometimes i think that one or two guy's on here have a dislike for me... but i don't know why....

not that it matters.... but it would if they could get me band...

Easy fix. Report everyone else so that they get banned. That way they cannot ban you. Then you can post all day on the forums, posting replies to your previous replies!!!

on Mar 30, 2009

nifty report button.

I'm not sure I would call a button that releases attack dogs,dispatches a SWAT team and calls for an airstrike"nifty"

on Mar 30, 2009

I find censorship objectionable, proponents of it would receive negative karma from me. I suspect I could get 9 other people on this forum to go along with that idea.


In other words recode, be very careful what you ask for.

on Mar 30, 2009


nifty report button.

I'm not sure I would call a button that releases attack dogs,dispatches a SWAT team and calls for an airstrike"nifty"

How is that not nifty?   I'd like to call for an airstrike every now and then    

on Mar 30, 2009

The banning/exile of members is best left to the site moderators. Otherwise  a personal vendetta/attack on a member could result in an unwarranted banning. If you feel someones post is objectionable the best way to handle it is to PM a Mod.That's what they are there for. Karma is intended to be a positive "fun" thing,not a weapon.

Absolutely correct.

No one has brought up the ultimate problem dharma (= -karma) presents: Namely, if one can "give" dharma/-karma to anyone, then Moderators, Admin and Brad might get "banned". True, this is reductio ad absurdum yet this case/abuse might conceivably occur.

No society/Community can function if a citizen can say to a policeman ordering him to cease objectionable behavior, "No, and you're fired."

on Mar 30, 2009

*double post....sorry.


on Mar 30, 2009

one person's definition of 'objectionable'...might not be another's....

it's interesting to have some spirited discussion in the forums.....otherwise.....you might as well stick to topics like butterflies....candy floss....puppies.....and we can all just die of boredom....

anyone over the top gets taken care of soon enough....

negative karma....would just bring...negativity..

on Mar 31, 2009

you might as well stick to topics like butterflies....candy floss....puppies.....and we can all just die of boredom....

OK....how about candy floss made from..........






.....puppies? ....

on Mar 31, 2009


Poor widdle fuzzy wuzzy puppies???!!!!     

<Mouse runs for bathroom>

You're right. That wasn't boring.......................


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