A random walk through life or musings of a disturbed mind
TOC's Language, spamming, flaming etc. and Stardock's gamers bill of rights is meaningless.
Published on March 30, 2009 By recode In Forum Issues

Stardock has an obligation to stop this behaviour not just "report" it. The games and forums should be safe for all.

Note:safe is even people you all don't like. Safe is safe to have opinion even when there are 50+ opiposed in disagreemnt. Stardock+groupthink. Notice the responses are 100% supportive of Stardock' irresponsible treatment,

  • Teen rating is for people as young as 13 and can include females. If you are a father would you want your daughter treated the way you see folks treated here. Don't believe you have many mothers here.
  • The internet Bullying has caused some teenagers to commit suicide.. look it uo. This is a real legal issue that Starsock is unwilling to statifactorily address even though Ive brought it up before. There are murder cases based on this,

So were are you BRAD? Missing in action. Ignorance is no excuse (doublle ententre intented).

  • Here's a clue: try thinking!

No not about yourself what is is like the be the other person... I am used to this abusive behavior (and hate it). I fight for those who are not. Do you? Quit excusing your behavoir Stardock.

So Zubaz, you toughten up, since i knew this was the kind of response i'd get from Stardock. No crtiticism allowed.. you will be shouted out.

PS. I never said that users should give negative karma.. read carefully before flaming and spamming. I justr want Stardock to keep thier ToC's, don't weasle your way out and cahnge them.. enforce them. How about the stardock folks act like responisible, mature, adults. Try a dictionary if you don't understand what words mean like websters or oxford.

  • Community denotes safety, everyone has a voice and not called names. slander, etc... This is groupthink, even on the internet. This is why people have a low view of gamers including me.  Adolescent  behaviour is the norm here, actually thats an insult to Adolescent s.
  • Anyway ive sent samples to the authoriies becouse Stardock does not own the web and has to play within the rules. Ill see what the AG and my representatives think of this. I dont think WA or CA will think Its all up to stardock to be responsible adults.

Because of the behaviour reported. I am banned but not the abuser. This is why i hold Stardock in LOW ESTEEM.  They DO NOT honor their commitments or contracts.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 31, 2009

The OP does have one little point i agree with though. The spamming threads. I know these are in the OT threads but spam is still spam even when dressed up.

Are we talking about the popular game threads in the 'General Discussion" area here?  You know, those that several people frequent regularly to help keeps the boards ticking over.... cos without them that particular forum is virtually dead?

I mean, there's off topic and then there is just rubbish.....

OK, so this is a skinning site, but what exactly is 'off topic' in a forum (General Discussion) that invites and encompasses just about every subject known to man... woman as well?  Furthermore, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so while the fun threads may not appeal to all, there are others who do enjoy them. Besides, in a World that's full of doom and gloom, war, abject poverty and violence, what's wrong with a bit of harmless fun anyhow?

@ recode.

Objectionable, eh?  OK, hypothetically speaking, I see a WIP (work in progress) thread and give the poster/skinner some negative karma because I find it objectionable that I am being teased with an unfinished item and don't have the patience to wait for the finished product.  Well why not, it fits with the model you're calling for... and if 9 others feel the same way, we have an important member of our community exiled for no good reason.

And like sydneysiders said, what may be objectionable to some is not necessaritly objectionable/offensive to others... and to try impose a form of censorship on such a varied community with people of different interests and from all walks of life is flirting with disaster.

I find it objectionable that some come here purely to whinge and complain... just because they can.



on Mar 31, 2009

OK, so this is a skinning site,

Not really.

The problem with saying "this is a <type> site" is that many forums are shared between all sites-Elemental, GC2, Sins, Wincustomize, Impulse, JoeUser, etc.

Mumblefratz did quite a lot of work in figuring out the forum structure, but since then Elemental was added, and to be honest it's more than anyone would ever want to know anyway.

on Mar 31, 2009

That's sad...wanting to ban someone from a game forum....that's the sign of the apocalpyse...

on Mar 31, 2009

Having just deleted quite some number of posts on GameFAQs, this idea as suggested needs some serious work.

- Taking karma or anything other sort of negative action cannot be up to the normal users. That sort of action needs to be reviewed by an (ideally) disinterested third party to remove the personal attack aspects.

- Waiting for an offending user to run out of karma is a bad idea, nor could karma be freely given as it is now. It *could* be used as a factor in deciding the course of action for any given violation.

- Ideally, there would also be repercussions for someone continually marking posts that are not violations, to the point of losing their marking ability.

- This sort of system should only apply to specific forums; the game forums, the technical forums, etc. Including the entirety of Joe User in the system would require a mod staff much larger than anyone really wants. I'm speaking from experience there, remember I do this on a *much* larger forum with ~90 volunteer moderators handling 15-20k moderations (not posts, moderations) per week. Limiting the system to the narrow interest boards would keep the time investment for moderators to a minimum.

Speaking from that perspective, I don't think Stardock really needs this big a hammer to deal with the occasional malcontents here (or at least the ones I see. I avoid JU like the plague). As the company owning a private web site, they can pretty much set any rules they want, and enforce them pretty much however they feel like. In a lot of ways, GameFAQs is one of the most restrictive sites I've ever seen (there's a list of words banned from the site, and most methods of bypassing that are also moddable). On the other end of that is the infamous 4chan, where anything that isn't a federal crime is allowed, even encouraged. Picking a middle road, defining where the "too far" line is, and what to do about people who cross it pretty much on an individual basis seems to be working the way they are doing it.

I find censorship objectionable, proponents of it would receive negative karma from me. I suspect I could get 9 other people on this forum to go along with that idea.

Censorship in this case simply isn't a factor. I see people bitching about moderations all the time trying to claim first amendment violations and I mock them for it. Publicly whenever possible. As I am constantly pointing out to users over there, there are ways of making your point without trolling, flaming swearing, etc. If you can't think of those ways of expressing your ideas, that's no one's fault but your own.

If I were in your house, telling racist jokes and explicit stories to your children, you have every right to tell me to stop or leave. The same applies here - this is Stardock's playground. They make the rules and you have the options of following them or leaving. If they choose to listen to your input as to what the rules should be, fine, but they are under no obligation to do so

on Mar 31, 2009

I haven't delved deep into the user options on this forum yet but is there an ignore list?  That I think would cover issues of reasonable people being annoyed with someone.

on Mar 31, 2009

yep.. an ignore option would be handy. Objectionable is a relative, not absolute adjective. Varies from person to person, mood to mood, etc.

on Mar 31, 2009


The OP does have one little point i agree with though. The spamming threads. I know these are in the OT threads but spam is still spam even when dressed up.
Are we talking about the popular game threads in the 'General Discussion" area here?  You know, those that several people frequent regularly to help keeps the boards ticking over.... cos without them that particular forum is virtually dead?

I mean, there's off topic and then there is just rubbish.....

OK, so this is a skinning site, but what exactly is 'off topic' in a forum (General Discussion) that invites and encompasses just about every subject known to man... woman as well?  Furthermore, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so while the fun threads may not appeal to all, there are others who do enjoy them. Besides, in a World that's full of doom and gloom, war, abject poverty and violence, what's wrong with a bit of harmless fun anyhow?


As SS pointed out one must remember that Sd has something like 13 sites that are linked together through many forums, the Ot being just one of them.

IIRC there are even several OT forums.

As for what i consider "trash" and what others deem as treasure, i'll grant that point. There obviously must be an audience for these types of posts to live on. Thats doesn't mean that threads with thoughtful titles such as "Shut Up!!!", "Apples?" and "Hot!" that are obvious spam threads (they are all by the same poster) should not have been moderated.

My annoyance with such things is that these threads take valuable room on the recent topics list, a list which many use as their point of call on whatever forum they may be on.

Actual on topic threads relevant to the site in question can be burried by these posts, though appropriatley placed in OT they are nothing but spam. Many even admit this.

Whats wrong with some Harmless fun? Nothing, if thats what you choose to call it. I call it needless spam that takes the emphesis(sp) away from the intended site. Thye games you mention, though for my likeing can get out of hand, are fine.

OT threads with an actual topic is one thing, senseless spam is another.

on Mar 31, 2009

OK, so this is a skinning site,

Not really.

I responded from within Wincustomize... didn't realise it was a cross-thread, hence the 'skinning site' thing.

Still, my thoughts apply to JU and other forums... you can't censor against 'objectionable' because it is many things to many people.  Personal attacks/insults, however, are a different matter and should be dealt with accordingly... as with any other infringements that contravene Stardock site rules... posting advertising spam, etc. However, ten people getting somebody banned for 3 months over a joke that thousands laughed at is wrong IMO.

on Mar 31, 2009

+1 on an Ignore feature.

Removing ones subscription to a thread would be nice too. Having threads still in your "My Replies" list that have outlived your own involvement is another PITA that could go hand in hand with an ignore feature.

on Mar 31, 2009

+1 on an Ignore feature.

Removing ones subscription to a thread would be nice too. Having threads still in your "My Replies" list that have outlived your own involvement is another PITA that could go hand in hand with an ignore feature.

JoeUser has a blacklist function...I'm not certain how it works on the other sites, though, as I strangely enough haven't had sufficient reason to test it.

on Mar 31, 2009

The day people get banned from a gaming forum will be a sad, sad day indeed!

on Mar 31, 2009

There should be negative karma for all objectionable posts. after a score of - 10, a ban for 3 months

guess who is goin to get a flaming -10?

on Mar 31, 2009


Censorship in this case simply isn't a factor. I see people bitching about moderations all the time trying to claim first amendment violations and I mock them for it. Publicly whenever possible. As I am constantly pointing out to users over there, there are ways of making your point without trolling, flaming swearing, etc. If you can't think of those ways of expressing your ideas, that's no one's fault but your own.

If I were in your house, telling racist jokes and explicit stories to your children, you have every right to tell me to stop or leave. The same applies here - this is Stardock's playground. They make the rules and you have the options of following them or leaving. If they choose to listen to your input as to what the rules should be, fine, but they are under no obligation to do so


Self-evidently true, and not remotely the point. The point was to demonstrate that the intended effect, which is the removal of those recode finds "objectionable," would not be the only outcome of his proposed forum change. Quite the contrary, it'd be open season on everyone, and he'd be among the first targets on many peoples' lists. Total chaos serves no one's interests, which is why the presence of a moderating staff is to everyone's benefit.

on Mar 31, 2009

Sole Soul
JoeUser has a blacklist function...I'm not certain how it works on the other sites, though, as I strangely enough haven't had sufficient reason to test it.

If it's the same blacklist option that is on Impulse-Driven then that list allows to specify users who cannot reply to any threads that you post. They can read then still but to them your posts would appear locked.

on Mar 31, 2009

OK....how about candy floss made from..........

.....puppies? ....




If it's the same blacklist option that is on Impulse-Driven then that list allows to specify users who cannot reply to any threads that you post. They can read then still but to them your posts would appear locked.

and that's open to pettiness abuse as well....don't agree with it at all.....if it's an open forum...it should remain open....sort out your problems another way....

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